M: Bycie w oddali od swojej szafy może być trudne. W takiej sytuacji trzeba postawić na minimalizm: czerń i wariacje bieli. Po dodaniu złotego kołnierzyka, który dobrze koresponduje z guzikami marynarki, otrzymałam swój uniwersalny zestaw "coś z niczego".
P: Pastel boom. This spring, pastels are the new black. In winter when I saw the first pictures of the upcoming advertising campaigns and thought that it's not my thing. I was wrong. I shortened my mom's skirt so I already had a base. I found my dreamed ramones jacket in Zara, it gave the feminine site of me a rock angle.
M: Being apart from your wardrobe can be difficult. In such a situation, you have to put on minimalism: black and white variations. After adding the golden collar, which goes well with jacket buttons, I created an universal set of "something from nothing."
skirt: no name
top: H&m
tights: Marilyn
hair & make-up: herself
M: jacket: Lotte
leggins: no name
blouse: no name
collar: Raramodo
hair: P.
make-up: herself
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